UL 61010-2-033
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Particular Requirements for Hand-Held Multimeters and Other Meters, for Domestic and Professional Use, Capable of Measuring Mains Voltage
UL 61010-2-033 (IEC 61010-2-033:2012)
1 Scope and object
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
1.1.1 Equipment included in scope
Replacement:Replace the existing text with the following:This part of IEC 61010 specifies safety requirements for METERS.The METERS that have a primary purpose of measuring voltage on a live MAINS CIRCUIT are within the scope of this standard. They have various names, but all of them have capability for measurements of voltages on a live MAINS CIRCUIT. Some of the names given to this equipment are as follows:
- digital MULTIMETER;
- clamp METER (see also Part 2-032).
- Edition:
- 1
- Published:
- 08/08/2014
- For the purpose of this standard, the term METER is used for these HAND-HELD measuring instruments.NOTE Parts of the equipment that are not within the scope of this Part 2-033 are considered to be covered by the requirements of Part 1 or other part 2’s of IEC 61010 and then will also need to meet the requirements of these other parts.
1.1.2 Equipment excluded from scope
Addition:Add the following new item to the list:aa) IEC 61557 (Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. – Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures – Parts 1 through 12).
Addition:Add the two following paragraphs at the end of the subclause:Equipment that is not capable of measuring MAINS voltages is not within the scope of this Part 2-033. See IEC 61010-2-030 for requirements pertaining to such equipment.Such equipment, including other HAND-HELD equipment such as oscilloscopes, wattmeters, process control MULTIMETERS, and communications test sets is not within the scope of this Part 2- Aspects included in scope
Addition:Add the following paragraph at the end of the subclause:Requirements for protection against HAZARDS resulting from NORMAL USE and REASONABLY FORESEEABLE MISUSE of measuring circuits are given in Clause 101.